Cedar Hill Middle School
Code of Conduct 2022/2023 Every staff and student at Cedar Hill Middle School is a member of our school community. As members of this community, we are committed to creating a safe and respectful environment where each person is cared for, experiences a sense of belonging, participates in purposeful learning and acts responsibly. |
As a Cedar Hill Student:
- I act safely, respectfully and responsibly
- I am a purposeful learner and support others to be so
- I take pride in being a Cedar Hill Student and represent our school in a positive manner.
The opportunity to attend school is provided as part of contemporary Canadian society, but this opportunity carries responsibilities. The purpose of this code of conduct is:
- to establish and maintain safe, caring and orderly environments for purposeful learning;
- to establish and maintain appropriate balances among individual and collective rights, freedoms and responsibilities;
- to clarify and publish expectations for student behavior while at school, while going to and from school, and while attending any school function or activity at any location.
Acceptable Conduct:
- Be cooperative, courteous and respectful in dealings with administrators, teachers, school staff and other students.
- Attend school each day, arriving on time and prepared for all classes. Remain on the school grounds at all times.
- Attend all classes and complete the work assigned in those classes.
- Carry out all reasonable directions given by school staff.
- Take care of the books, equipment and learning materials provided for student use.
- Treat the school building, grounds and equipment with care and prevent litter.
- Respect the rights of others.
- Demonstrate the highest standards of conduct, personal responsibility and good judgment when involved in school sponsored events.
- Act as responsible members of the school neighborhood by being courteous to people in the area, by refraining from disturbing their daily activities, and by respecting their property.
- Adhere to the Acceptable Computer Use policy.
- Adhere to this Code of Conduct while travelling to and from school and while off the school premises at other times during the school day for school-based activities.
Unacceptable Conduct:
- behaviours that:
- interfere with learning – yours or others’, (e.g.: truancy or inappropriate technology use at school);
- interfere with an orderly environment (e.g.: arriving late to class, use of profanity);
- create unsafe conditions (e.g.: recording videos or photographs without prior permission from adults, rough housing or skateboarding/scootering on school property).
- acts of:
- physical violence;
- retribution against a person who has reported incidents;
- bullying, harassment, intimidation, or other forms of prejudice as per the prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in the BC Human Rights Code based on; Race, Colour, Ancestry, Place of origin, Religion, Marital status, Family status, Physical or mental disability, Sex, Sexual orientation, and Age.
- illegal acts, such as:
- possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances (e.g.: including knowingly receiving stolen property and smoking on school property);
– possession or use of weapons or replica weapons (e.g.: knives, slingshots, pellet or other guns);
– theft of or damage to property (e.g.: graffiti);
– plagiarism and unauthorized copying or use of software or other electronic or print media.
Rising Expectations:
As students get older, more mature, and progress through the grades, our expectations regarding their conduct increases:
- we expect an increase in personal responsibility, self-discipline and acceptance of diversity;
- There may be greater consequences for inappropriate behavior as students get older, reflecting these increased expectations.
- Special considerations may apply to students with special needs who are unable to comply with expectations due to their individual disability.
The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age, maturity and special needs of students is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action:
- responses to unacceptable conduct are pre-planned, fair, and consistent, while reflective of the particular circumstances of each individual case;
- disciplinary action, wherever possible, is preventive and restorative, rather than merely punitive;
- Students, as often as possible, are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations of the established code of conduct.
School administrators and counsellors may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct. For example:
- parents/guardians of student offender(s) – in every instance;
- parents/guardians of student victim(s) – in every instance;
- school district officials – as required by school district policy;
- police and/or other agencies – as required by law;
- all parents/guardians – when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it.
Retaliation Prevention:
The school will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint to his/her teacher or principal regarding a violation of our Code of Conduct.
Pledge of Commitment:
As a member of the Cedar Hill Middle School community, I will sign below as a pledge of commitment to follow the Cedar Hill Middle School Code of Conduct while I am a student/p[aren’t/guardian at Cedar Hill.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________